Here at church

Well I am here at has been a while since I have beeb here I missed the last two sundays and today i have mixed feeling here in the foyer. I glad that im here, but at the same time feel so isolated.  It has been a long lonely and hard for me to find other gay mormons here in Fresno....its easy to find other gay people. Man.....sometime I wonder if its even worth it....


  1. I miss church last Sunday and went today as well. For me being gay in a singles ward is hard because all that it's about is Finding a girl and getting married and thats so not me OBVIOUSLY. Anywho it's sometimes hard feeling like you are the only Gay where you live. I wish there were other people in Fresno that had the same situation as you. Here in Mesa I luckly have my best friend Adam who is gay and currently an Elders Qorum President in his ward and I know at least 5 other gay mormons here in Mesa. I wish you had other gay mo's in Fresno.


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